Eurasian Sugee cake

We talked about the Eurasian Sugee cake earlier this week, so I decide to share a recipe with you guys. I read through a great many recipes on the internet, and stumbled upon Eddie is Singaporean and has an informative YouTube channel and blog. Take a look at his amazing creations. And here is …

The importance of Gluten

Gluten is a collection of proteins (the long amino-acid chains gliadins and glutenins) that make bread rise and give the characteristic chewy texture to baked goods.  These proteins are vital to the binding and the rising of baked goods made with wheat based flours. (Read All about flours here). Gluten develops with the addition of …

All you wanted to know about Flour!

There are a ton of flours out there—all-purpose, bread, cake, pastry, whole wheat, semolina, self raising. And we’re just talking about wheat based flours right now.  They’re all slightly different with slightly different functions. Here are the most common types, what they’re all about, and when you should or shouldn’t use them. All-Purpose or Plain …

Cranberry-Almond biscotti

We are a family that loves all things sweet. While others experiment with cuisines of other countries, I explore the desserts. I’m endlessly fascinated with the history of food. How ingredients travelled with conquering armies and sea-faring explorers. How sailors carried lemons to ward off scurvy and merchants brought with them nutmeg and mace and …